contoh kalimat zebulon
- So the biblical Bethlehem of Zebulon is "identified" by archaeologists with today's Bethlehem of Galilee.
Jadi Betlehem Zebulon di Alkitab "telah diidentifikasi" oleh para arkeolog dengan Betlehem di Galilea yang sekarang. - In 1882, the Palestine Exploration Fund's Survey of Western Palestine described it as "The ancient Bethlehem of Zebulon.
Pada tahun 1882, Palestine Exploration Fund menerbitkan Survey of Western Palestine (Survei Palestina Barat) yang menggambarkan tempat ini sebagai "Betlehem Zebulon kuno. - By order of Zebulon Vance, governor of this great state of North Carolina, any soldier turned deserter is guilty of treason, and should be hunted down like a dog,
Atas perintah Zebulon Vance, gubernur ini negara besar North Carolina, tentara pun berbalik desertir bersalah melakukan pengkhianatan, dan harus dikejar seperti anjing, - Despite his hatred of Bagley for his role in the Indian Wars, an impoverished Algren takes the job for the money, and is accompanied to Japan by his old friend, Sergeant Zebulon Gant.
Meskipun ia membenci Bagley atas perannya selama perang melawan suku Indian, Nathan yang miskin melakukan pekerjaan itu demi uang dan ditemani ke Jepang oleh teman lamanya, Sersan Zebulon Gant (Billy Connolly).