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contoh kalimat aduk

"aduk" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "aduk" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Now we just give it a good stir, and voila!
    Sekarang, sedikit di aduk dan... Voila!
  • It's gettin' too dark. Wires are all jumbled up.
    tapi terlalu gelap, kabelnya semua campur aduk.
  • 2,159 combined yards, running the ball, catching the ball, 22 touchdowns.
    2159 yard yang tercampur aduk..
  • This is the wisdom of ancient worship stirring plastic
    Ini adalah kebijaksanaan ibadah kuno aduk plastik
  • The... data in my brain is jumbled today.
    Data di otakku saat ini sudah bercampur aduk.
  • You must be feeling such mixed emotions right now.
    kamu pasti merasakan emosi campur aduk sekarang.
  • So my pronunciation's a bit off.
    Aku ini warga campuran, jadi maaf kalau bahasa campur aduk.
  • ♫ And he's stirring it once more ♫
    ♫ Dan dia aduk sekali lagi ♫
  • Turn three times, pluck a hair from my head.
    Aduk tiga kali, cabut sehelai rambut dari kepalaku.
  • Then you kind of stir it into the ice cream.
    Lalu aduk ke dalam es krim. Paham?
  • To be honest with you, it was a mix-up.
    Untuk jujur padamu, itu campur aduk.
  • They're jumbled up but they're happening again in some way.
    Campur aduk. Tapi terjadi lagi entah bagaimana.
  • Sorry, I keep getting that part mixed up.
    Maaf, saya terus mendapatkan bagian campur aduk.
  • Without women, it's like back in the stir.
    Tanpa perempuan, itu seperti kembali di aduk.
  • I have mixed feelings about being a parent.
    Perasaanku campur aduk soal menjadi orang tua.
  • Things must have gotten mixed up after the fire.
    Banyak hal tercampur aduk setelah kebakaran.
  • I must admit, I have mixed feelings about his success.
    Harus kuakui perasaanku campur aduk mengenai keberhasilannya.
  • Our lives keep getting jumbled up in this.
    Hidup kita terus mendapatkan campur aduk dalam hal ini.
  • I'm trying to fucking blend in here, man.
    Aku mencoba bercampur aduk di sini, Bung.
  • Interactions between Basque whalers and Icelanders were mixed.
    Interaksi antara penangkap paus Basque dan Islandia bercampur aduk.
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