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contoh kalimat mengaduk-aduk

"mengaduk-aduk" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Every team is combing the desert looking for WMDs.
    Setiap Tim mengaduk-aduk padang pasir mencari WMD.
  • Always poking around when you don't want him
    Selalu mengaduk-aduk bila anda tidak ingin dia
  • Because you didn't want us poking around your case?
    Karena Anda tidak ingin kita mengaduk-aduk kasus Anda?
  • It's a horde of protozoans swirling around my intestinal tract.
    Pasti sekumpulan protozoa mengaduk-aduk perutku.
  • I don't need some twink from the Fed poking around.
    Saya tidak perlu Twink beberapa dari Fed mengaduk-aduk.
  • For example, now you rummaged through his pockets.
    Misalnya, bisakah kau berhenti mengaduk-aduk tas-ku.
  • Maybe we can learn something by poking around their ruins.
    Mungkin kita bisa belajar sesuatu dengan mengaduk-aduk reruntuhan mereka.
  • She wasn't from Shimmervale, but she was poking around the Crystallites.
    Dia tidak dari Shimmervale, tapi ia mengaduk-aduk kristalit.
  • Hey, I don't go poking around your bone stuff, OK?
    Hei, aku don apos; t pergi mengaduk-aduk tulang barang, OK?
  • Don't let the Ripper stir you up.
    Jangan biarkan Ripper mengaduk-aduk dirimu..
  • Your professor was poking around in this section.
    Professor-mu mengaduk-aduk bagian ini.
  • Before you do that, they've been poking around for stuff.
    Sebelum kau melakukan itu, mereka telah telah mengaduk-aduk untuk hal-hal.
  • Sometimes, however, they will also capture their prey on the forest floor.
    Kadang juga dengan mengaduk-aduk seresah di lantai hutan.
  • I admire you of stirring up troubles as you're so young
    Aku mengagumi Anda dari mengaduk-aduk masalah saat kau masih begitu muda
  • Imagine that round your fuckin' helmet.
    Bayangkan itu mengaduk-aduk anumu.
  • Your Majesty, doesn't Gim Bong Gu have a crime of disturbing the South-North peace?
    Yang Mulia, bukankah Kim Bong Gu telah mengaduk-aduk perdamaian Selatan-Utara?
  • Some of the rifling patterns are matching up like the glam slam techno twins.
    Beberapa pola mengaduk-aduk pencocokan seperti si kembar techno glam slam.
  • Don't suppose he's got any relatives that's gonna come poking around looking for him.
    Jangan kira dia punya kerabat itu akan datang mengaduk-aduk mencarinya.
  • They'll take you, open up your head and stir your brain with a fork.
    Mereka akan membawamu, membuka kepalamu, dan mengaduk-aduk otakmu dengan garpu.
  • Action gallery gay When Mike Manchester catches his student rummaging
    aksi galeri gay ketika mike manchester menangkap nya mahasiswa mengaduk-aduk
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