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contoh kalimat brother

"brother" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "brother" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • That's my brother Malcolm there on the right.
    Itu saudara laki-laki saya, Malcolm, di sebelah kanan.
  • For instance, my little brother, he's very severely autistic.
    Contohnya, adik lelaki kecilku, dia sangat autistik.
  • Nice about your brother Harry and Ruth, isn't it?
    Nice tentang saudaramu Harry dan Ruth, bukan?
  • Brother, be careful what you say to me.
    Saudara, hati-hati apa yang Anda katakan untuk saya.
  • I'm a man, not a freak like my brother!
    Saya laki-laki, tidak aneh seperti saudara saya!
  • In my judgment book, you have accused your brother falsely.
    Karena bagiku telah kau fitnah saudaramu.
  • My brother, it was I who deceived you, not Moses.
    Kakak, akulah yang menipumu, bukan Musa.
  • You know, you do look a lot like my brother Fred.
    kau beneran mirip adikku Fred.
  • Her brother Fred's getting out of the army soon.
    Adiknya, Fred akan keluar dari angkatan darat.
  • Or perhaps you're putting your kid brother through school?
    Atau mungkin Kau pakai untuk sekolah keponakanmu?
  • Well, I'll be kinda curious to meet this brother of yours.
    Saya penasaran ingin bertemu dengannya.
  • This is my brother Ramon. I think I mentioned him.
    Ini kakakku Ramon yang aku bilang.
  • Will you be Cain and kill your brother?
    Apakah Anda akan Kain dan membunuh saudara Anda?
  • A man who profits from the deaths of his brothers
    Namun dia bisa membelot dari teman-temannya.
  • Mother's home looking after my baby sister and brother.
    Ibuku merawat bayi perempuan dan adik laki-lakiku.
  • Shall we tell your brother what happened?
    Apa perlu kami beritahu saudaramu apa yang terjadi padamu?
  • It's no good sitting there in hope, my little brothers.
    Tak baik duduk disitu berharap-cemas, adik.
  • "...the soul of our dear brother here departed
    " jiwa saudara kita terkasih di sini berangkat
  • It seems you're concerned about the death of your brother.
    Tampaknya lu khawatir tentang kematian kakakmu
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