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brother bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "brother"
  • Brother, there is no need for me to destroy you.
    Brother. Anda kagak harus membunuh Anda.
  • It's for Brother Sui For Brother Sui again?
    It's for Brother Sui Untuk Bruder Sui lagi?
  • We were like brother and sister.
    Kami sudah seperti saudara. We were like brother and sister.
  • You know I'm always up for a little Undercover Brother.
    Aku akan selalu menjadi Undercover Brother.
  • How come it's here with 1st Brother's stuff?
    Kenapa itu di sini dengan hal-hal 1st Brother?
  • We told everyone it's debut as Big Brother.
    Kami toId orang debutnya itu sebagai Big Brother.
  • Brother is at home... I mean, is he home?
    Brother di rumah , Maksudku, dia pulang?
  • Oh, that's old news, brother. I've been there and done that.
    Oh, itu cerita lama, brother.
  • Look, Big Brah. I never asked you for anything.
    Lihat, Big Brother tidak pernah minta apa-apa.
  • And as I became Big Brother, I --
    Dan saat aku menjadi Big Brother, I -
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5