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contoh kalimat key

"key" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "key" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • They were key in our culture and our economy.
    Mereka adalah kunci budaya dan ekonomi kita.
  • The popcorn is illustrating a key thing in physics.
    Popcorn ini mengilustrasikan hal-hal penting dalam fisika.
  • You see, the battery is the key enabling device here.
    Anda lihat, baterai adalah perangkat kunci.
  • But early diagnosis is a key for us.
    Tapi, diagnosa awal merupakan hal penting bagi kami.
  • In fact, there's some pretty obvious key missing pieces.
    Faktanya, ada beberapa kepingan penting yang hilang.
  • And there's two key scenes in that movie.
    Dan terdapat dua adegan kunci di film tersebut.
  • By the computer, that's where I saw your keys.
    Hmm? Sebelah komputer... Aku melihat kuncimu disana.
  • You have the receipt, the post office key,
    kau memiliki tanda terima, kunci di kantor pos,
  • You took the keys, now take the money!
    Kau sudah mengambil kuncinya, sekarang ambil uang itu!
  • Oh, my. I forgot to turn in my key again.
    Oh, Aku lupa menyerahkan kunci lagi.
  • He taught me keys on the pianos and notes.
    Dia mengajariku tuts piano dan tangga nada.
  • That key ring of yours is always hooked to your belt.
    Kunci itu selalu ada padamu.
  • We ceased with a key when I entered !
    Kami berhenti dengan kunci ketika saya masuk!
  • Do you think the keys are in his pocket?
    apa kau pikir kuncinya ada di sakunya?
  • She stole your keys and God knows what else.
    Dia mencuri kuncimu dan entah apa lagi.
  • Lock him in a cage and then throw away the key
    Kuncidiadalamsangkar dan kemudian membuang kunci
  • Give him a hand but not your car keys.
    Berikan tanganmu padanya tapi jangan kunci mobilmu.
  • Acquire subject at K Street and Key Bridge.
    Mendapati pelaku di Jalan K dan Jembatan Key.
  • Give me the key and you won't get hurt.
    Berikan kuncinya dan kau tak akan terluka.
  • Knowing their minds is the key to the throne.
    Mengetahui pikiran mereka adalah kunci untuk takhta.
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