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key bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "key"
  • Acquire subject at K Street and Key Bridge.
    Mendapati pelaku di Jalan K dan Jembatan Key.
  • We could load Sarah's memories onto The Key.
    Kita bisa memuat kenangan Sarah ke Key The.
  • When Francis Scott Key sang "The Star-Spangled Banner"
    Ketika Francis Scott Key menyanyikan "The Star-Spangled Banner"
  • Lemi K, he gets the whole thing on video.
    Lemi Key, Dia merekam semuanya di video.
  • But Jillian said take the Golden Key right?
    Tapi kata Jillian mengambil hak Golden Key?
  • "Key West sees 10 species go extinct. " Yep.
    "Key West melihat 10 spesies punah"?
  • I'll go grab "east of eden's" key chain.
    Aku akan pergi ambil "east of eden's" key chain.
  • No, I'm sorry, you will need your key card.
    Tidak, maaf, anda memerlukan key card.
  • "arcane abilities... of the one known as The Key."
    "...kemampuan misterius salah satunya dikenal sebagai The Key."
  • I take back everything 10K said about you.
    Aku menarik kembali semua yang Ten Key katakan tentangmu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5