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contoh kalimat white

"white" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "white" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • And the charm of white truffles is in their aroma.
    Dan aroma truffle putih sangat menggiurkan.
  • It's pure white, but it's not a polar bear.
    Beruang berbulu putih tapi bukan beruang kutub.
  • We also talked about the White Shark Cafe.
    Kita juga membicarakan tentang Kafe Ikan Hiu Putih.
  • And the white woman said, "I see a woman."
    Kata si wanita kulit putih, "Seorang perempuan."
  • Our Yebi (the cat's name) was white as snow.
    Yebi (nama kucingnya) kami (bulunya) seputih salju.
  • The dead cat was really a white cat.
    Kucing mati tadi itu benar-benar seekor kucing putih.
  • Our bodies not so white, but they are strong.
    Tubuh kami tak begitu putih, tapi kuat.
  • Got a big white man's jury here.
    Mendapat juri pria kulit putih yang besar di sini.
  • What you doin' wearing' white man's clothes?
    Apa yang kau lakukan pada orang kulit putih itu?
  • There's a lot of money in that white powder.
    Bisnis tepung putih ini untungnya besar sekali.
  • The people of Islam dressed in their pilgrim white.
    Orang-orang Islam... mengenakan pakaian putih saat berhaji.
  • The white one with the 53 on the side.
    Yang putih itu dengan 53 di samping.
  • O Lords of the Whirlwind, black, gray and white
    Ya Tuhan, siklon, gelap, abu-abu dan putih
  • The white clouds are ammonia crystals, high and cold.
    Awan putih amonia kristal, tinggi dan dingin.
  • There can be no whitewash at the White House.
    Tidak bisa tidak mengapur di Gedung Putih.
  • Ian Dury cockney fraud, Mick Jagger white nigger
    Ian Dury adalah penipuan London, Mick Jagger putih-hitam
  • My brother White Gloves was killed by you.
    adik ku sarung tangan putih terbunuh oleh mu.
  • Do you know any good white basketball players?
    Kau kenal pemain basket berkulit putih yang hebat?
  • He's also the guy that drives the white van.
    Ia juga orang yang mendorong van putih.
  • Mr. Edward Machowski, please report to the white courtesy phone.
    Tn. Edward Machowski, silakan melapor kemari.
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