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ajal bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ajal"
  • mendekati ajal:    on one's last legs
  • menemui ajal:    meet death; fail; buy the farm; pop off; drop dead; choke; pass; break down; kick the bucket; exit; go bad; die out; become flat; give way; pall; pass away; conk out; snuff it; cash in one’s chips;
  • sampai ajal:    conk; decease; give-up the ghost; croak; break; perish; give out; die; go; give way; pall; become flat; cash in one’s chips; expire; pass away; conk out; snuff it; kick the bucket; break down; exit;
  • pindah agama menjelang ajal:    deathbed conversion
  • tahap menjelang ajal:    terminal
  • ajakan bertepuk tangan:    vote of thanks
  • ajakan:    allurement; invitation; drive; prod; stimulus; momentum; prodding; instigation; incitement; impetus; yen; abetment; impulse
  • ajam belanda:    wild turkey; turkey
  • ajak, hongaria:    ajak (hungary)
  • ajam boujarari mohammed:    samir (moroccan footballer)
  • ajak (kampung):    ajak (hungary)
  • ajami, azerbaijan barat:    ajami, west azerbaijan
  • ajak:    incur; invited; dhole; request; urge; invite; induce; ask for; persuade; ask; cuon alpinus; inquire; demand; herd; mobilise; challenge; shoo
  • ajang:    site; arena
  • I can't believe we're walking into certain death.
    Aku tak percaya kita akan menjemput ajal kita.
  • Odds are you'd be dead in a week.
    Aneh rasanya kau akan menemui ajal dalam seminggu.
  • How this sea scent fetch think before death?
    Bagaimana aroma laut ini menurutmu sebelum ajal menjemputmu?
  • I shall hold it dear until the day I die.
    Akan hamba hargai hingga ajal menjemput.
  • Now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
    Saat ini, dan saat-saat menjelang ajal, amin.
  • They said he's like on the verge of death.
    Katanya dia sedang nunggu ajal dateng.
  • Living abroad for years and how his time had come.
    Tinggal di luar negeri hingga ajal menjemput.
  • Send Larry Daley and his friends to their doom!
    Kirim Larry Daley dan teman-temannya menemui ajal mereka!
  • Have no regrets when life's final buzzer sounds
    Tidak ada penyesalan ketika ajal sudah menjelang
  • If you wake Mikael, we are all doomed.
    Jika kamu membangunkan Mikael, kita semua akan menemui ajal.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5