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death artinya

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kata benda plural: deaths   
contoh kalimat "death"
  • What was that story? The death of Anna Nicole Smith.
    Apa itu? Meninggalnya Anna Nicole Smith.
  • How could this picture lead to my death?
    Bagaimana gambar ini bisa berujung pada kematian saya?
  • Faced with imminent death, all he wanted was forgiveness.
    Di ambang kematian, yang diinginkannya hanyalah pengampunan.
  • Lost friends to death, saw some go home.
    Kehilangan teman karena wafat, ada juga yang pulang.
  • She's not doing so well since the death of her daughter.
    Kesehatannya memburuk sejak kematian putrinya.
  • His memory lives, and I will avenge his death.
    Memori hidup-Nya, dan Aku akan membalaskan kematiannya.
  • And you will pray for the release of death!
    Dan Anda akan berdoa untuk rilis kematian!
  • What is the death of one slave to us?
    Apalah arti kematian seorang budak bagi kita?
  • And the only deliverer that has come to us is death.
    Pembebas yang datang hanya kematian.
  • What manner of death do you decree for him?
    Kematian apa yang akan kau jatuhkan atasnya?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of killing; "he had two deaths on his conscience"

  • the event of dying or departure from life; "her death came as a terrible shock"; "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren"
    Sinonim: decease, expiry,

  • the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism; "the animal died a painful death"

  • the absence of life or state of being dead; "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life"

  • a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end"
    Sinonim: end, destruction,

  • the time at which life ends; continuing until dead; "she stayed until his death"; "a struggle to the last"
    Sinonim: last,

  • the time when something ends; "it was the death of all his plans"; "a dying of old hopes"
    Sinonim: dying, demise,