arus-lumer bahasa Inggris
- hukum-lumer: laws of fusion
- kawat-lumer: fuse-wire
- kerucut-lumer: melting-cone
- kofisen-lumer: fusing coefficient
- las-lumer: fusion-welding
- panas-lumer: heat of fusion
- semen-lumer: melted cement
- sendok-lumer: melting ladle
- sumbat-lumer: fusible plug
- temperatur-lumer: blowing-point
- titik-lumer: fusing-point
- tungku-lumer: melting stove
- damar tak dapat lumer: infusible resin
- sifat dapat lumer: fusibility
- arus: current; stream; charge; movement; ocean current; motion; trend; line; move; run; course of action; course; tide; electric current; feed; flow; flow of air; air flow; airflow