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beranggap bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "beranggap"
  • berangan-angan:    need; reckon; go for; suppose; opine; hope; want; guess; think; stargaze; trust; woolgather; conceive of; require; desire; ideate; moon; dream; imagine; envisage; daydream
  • berangan (kuda):    chestnut (horse color)
  • beranggapan:    had a hunch that; have a hunch that; having a hunch that; believe; consider; think; trust; conceive; feel
  • berangan:    castanopsis; chestnut; hazel; genus castanopsis
  • beranggar lidah:    argue; reason
  • berang-berang raksasa:    castoroides
  • berangguk:    nod
  • berang-berang laut:    sea otter
  • berangguk-angguk:    blow; stray; ramble; wander; err; swan; float; be adrift; drift; tramp; cast; roll; rove; freewheel; range; vagabond; roam
  • The Sitti Nurbaya storyline has often been reused, to the point that Balfas has referred to similar plots as following "the 'Sitti Nurbaya' formula".
    Alur cerita Sitti Nurbaya sering didaur ulang, sehingga Balfas beranggap bahwa cerita yang mirip menggunakan "rumus 'Sitti Nurbaya'".
  • Well, while I would never presume to convince a man in mourning that there is no heaven, this chip does not access other planes of existence.
    Yah, sementara aku tidak harus beranggap meyakinkan pria berkabung kalau tidak ada surga, chip itu tidak mengakses pesawat lain dari keberadaannya.