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beranggapan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "beranggapan"
  • beranggap:    feel
  • berangan-angan:    need; reckon; go for; suppose; opine; hope; want; guess; think; stargaze; trust; woolgather; conceive of; require; desire; ideate; moon; dream; imagine; envisage; daydream
  • beranggar lidah:    argue; reason
  • berangan (kuda):    chestnut (horse color)
  • berangguk:    nod
  • berangan:    castanopsis; chestnut; hazel; genus castanopsis
  • berangguk-angguk:    blow; stray; ramble; wander; err; swan; float; be adrift; drift; tramp; cast; roll; rove; freewheel; range; vagabond; roam
  • berang-berang raksasa:    castoroides
  • berangin:    windy; breezy; draughty; draughty, drafty; meandrous; aired; drafty; long-winded; flatulent; blowy; airy
  • I assume that everything went well in the village.
    Saya beranggapan semuanya berjalan baik di desa.
  • Sure. All you gotta do is prove Howard Graves is still alive.
    Kamu beranggapan aku benar?
  • I assume the Manjidani chieftain is called as well?
    Aku beranggapan kepala suku Manjidani juga dipanggil?
  • Now, I assume the stone is still safe.
    Sekarang aku beranggapan kalau batu itu masih aman.
  • And you think he has the right to do that.
    Dan kau beranggapan dia berhak melakukannya.
  • On the contrary, I suspect travel narrows the mind.
    Sebaliknya, aku beranggapan perjalanan bisa mempersempit wawasan.
  • Yes, there were whispers that Kate had lice.
    Ya, ada yang beranggapan bahwa Kate juga berkutu.
  • Laytonusethisthingassettingroom, was the greatest thing since quirrelltrees.
    Layton beranggapan bahwa ruangan ini paling mengagumkan setelah croque-monsieur.
  • But think yourself better than all of them?
    Apa kau beranggapan kau lebih baik daripada mereka?
  • I'm assuming that means they haven't located him yet.
    Aku beranggapan mereka masih belum mengetahui keberadaannya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5