bersangka bahasa Inggris
- await
- gestate
- cerebrate
- consider
- think
- retrieve
- remember
- carry
- suppose
- call up
- opine
- conceive
- imply
- signify
- recall
- wait
- believe
- stand for
- call back
- require
- cogitate
- entail
- ask
- guess
- look
- reckon
- recollect
- have in mind
- mean
- have a bun in the oven
- imagine
- expect
- anticipate
- bear
- intend
- think of
- bersanggama: copulate; mate; couple; pair
- bersangai: warm up; warm
- bersangkal: hold out; resist; deny; withstand; stand firm
- bersandiwara diatas panggung: tread the boards; treading the boards; trod the boards
- bersangkar: caged; draw close; snuggle; cuddle; nestle; nuzzle; nest
- bersandiwara di panggung: trodden the boards
- bersangkut paut: concerned in
- bersandiwara: act a part; acted a part; acting a part; whimsy; pretend; sham; feign; whimsey; whim; notion; affect; dissemble
- bersangkutan: pertinent