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bertelinga bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bertelinga"
  • Booth, we're looking for a one-eared South African.
    Booth, kami sedang mencari satu bertelinga Afrika Selatan.
  • We don't need some pink-eared midget hanging around.
    Kita tidak perlu beberapa cebol merah muda bertelinga berkeliaran.
  • That's not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling.
    Lumayan buat Peri muda bertelinga runcing.
  • Is that one-eared oaf still working at the shop?
    Apa anak bertelinga satu itu masih bekerja di toko?
  • Irresponsible, devil-may-care, waxy eared, slack-jawed
    Tidak bertanggung jawab, masa bodoh, lilin bertelinga, ternganga
  • Ear flaps, it's an ear hat, John.
    Penutup telinga, Ini topi bertelinga, John.
  • It's the man with the golden ear.
    Oh! Ini pria bertelinga emas.
  • And that pointy-eared son of a bitch is lying about the avalanche.
    Dan bajingan bertelinga runcing itu berbohong tentang longsoran saljunya.
  • Who was that pointy-eared bastard?
    Siapa keparat bertelinga lancip itu?
  • Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Oh, happy day! Farewell forever to that pointy-eared night rat!
    Perpisahan selamanya untuk si tikus malam bertelinga lancip!
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