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eared artinya

contoh kalimat "eared"
  • Irresponsible, devil-may-care, waxy eared, slack-jawed
    Tidak bertanggung jawab, masa bodoh, lilin bertelinga, ternganga
  • It is decorated with eared ornaments and statues of angels.
    Ia berada di sana di antara binatang-binatang liar dan malaikat-malaikat melayani Dia.
  • (Total 24 Products for Cedar Rough Dog Eared Fence)
    Rumah > Produk > Cedar Rough Dog Eared Fence
  • How to wean eared pet from the habit of nibbling the cage
    Cara menyapih hewan peliharaan dari kebiasaan menggigit kandang
  • Cedar Rough Dog Eared Fence - manufacturer, factory, supplier from China
    Cedar Rough Dog Eared Fence - pabrikan, pabrik, pemasok dari Cina
  • Store payments are made by Points eared from translations or PayPal.
    Pembayaran di Store menggunakan poin yang didapatkan dari hasil menerjemahkan atau PayPal.
  • Children's Shower Gel "Eared nannies" - a wonderful way to care for baby's skin
    Anak Shower Gel "bertelinga pengasuh" - alat yang bagus untuk perawatan kulit bayi
  • In the article "How to trim the claws of a rabbit," you will also find a lot of useful information on eared care.
    Dalam artikel "Cara memotong kuku kelinci," Anda juga akan menemukan banyak informasi berguna tentang perawatan bertelinga.
  • Brown or ordinary eared bat (lat Plecotus auritus.) - one of the species from the family of ordinary Ushanov bats (Vespertillionidae).
    Brown atau kelelawar bertelinga biasa (lat Plecotus auritus.) - salah satu spesies dari keluarga kelelawar Ushanov biasa (Vespertillionidae).
  • The rabbit is given some grain or apples so that the food will not lie in the plate for a long time. Eared pets need distilled water. Mineral and carbonated is prohibited.
    Kelinci diberi biji-bijian atau apel sehingga makanan tidak akan lama terbaring di piring. Hewan peliharaan bertelinga membutuhkan air suling. Mineral dan karbonasi dilarang.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata sifat
  • having ears (or appendages resembling ears) or having ears of a specified kind; often used in combination

  • Kata sifat
  • worn or shabby from overuse or (of pages) from having corners turned down; "a somewhat dog-eared duke...a bit run down"-Clifton Fadiman; "an old book with dog-eared pages"
    Sinonim: dog-eared,