bertinjau-tinjauan bahasa Inggris
- note
- detect
- find
- follow
- observe
- honour
- remark
- maintain
- keep
- watch
- notice
- abide by
- honor
- mention
- take note
- respect
- celebrate
- watch over
- discover
- keep an eye on
- tinjauan: outlook; review; public opinion poll; explorative; opinion poll; study; canvass; survey; exploratory; poll
- membuat tinjauan: review
- penulis tinjauan: reviewer
- tinjauan buku: book review
- tinjauan kembali: retrospect
- tinjauan sistematis: systematic review
- diskusi dan tinjauan ulang: review and discussion
- tinjauan kemasa depan: foresight
- tinjauan ulang pertanyaan danmasalah: review questions and problems
- bertingkat-tingkat: multilevel; terraced
- bertingkat: high rise; highrise; double-decker; high-rise
- bertinju: box; boxed; boxing; spar
- bertingkahlaku: acquitted
- bertinta: inky
- bertingkah-laku: acquit; acquited; acquiting
- bertinta/hitam: atramental