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blake bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "blake"
  • Blake through the slot with a backhand. Scores !
    Blake membuat celah dengan backhand. masuk !
  • 24 hours later, Blake and Collins were dead.
    24 jam kemudian, Blake dan Collins sudah mati.
  • Joe Blake and Terry Collins are in there
    Joe Blake dan Terry Collins ada di sana
  • I need Mrs Blake to sign some forms.
    Aku butuh Nyinya Blake untuk menandatangani beberapa formulir.
  • Okay, Dr. Blake West and Teresa Jaffee, RN.
    Oke. "Dr Blake West dan Teresa Jaffee, RN.
  • Captain Christopher Blake, US marshal, prisoner transfer unit.
    kapten Christopher Blake, US marshal, unit pemindahan tahanan.
  • What do you remember... about that night, Blake?
    Apa yg Kamu ingat? tentang malam itu, Blake?
  • Sam Blake is a highly decorated war hero.
    Sam Blake adalah pahlawan perang dengan banyak medali.
  • You called about the Blake watercolour.
    Kau yang sebelumnya menelpon soal warna cat air lukisan Blake?
  • I heard Blake was wondering about the Rutledge case.
    Aku mendengar Blake bertanya-tanya tentang kasus Rutledge.
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