diam bahasa Inggris
- be quiet
- bit the tongue
- bite the tongue
- bitten the tongue
- bitting the tongue
- dwell
- held tongue
- hold tongue
- holding tongue
- keep quiet
- keeping quiet
- kept quiet
- pipe down
- piped down
- piping down
- quiescent
- saved breath
- saving breath
- shut up like a cleam
- silent
- solemn silence
- speechless
- quiet
- dwelled
- quiet down
- quiesce
- inactive
- still
- stay put
- occupy
- on the sly
- shut up
- stay
- mum
- inhabit
- remain
- lull
- stick
- wordlessly
- taciturnly
- calm down
- populate
- motionless
- reside
- calm
- abide
- dumb
- tranquilize
- bide
- unsounded
- static
- settle down
- persist
- tame
- root
- stick around
- silence
- take root
- tranquillize
- unresponsive
- be silent
- tranquillise
- live
- hush
- secretly
- silently
- lodge in
- settle
- out of sight
- mutely
- steady down
- mute
- quieten
- idle
- quietly
- diam -: save breath
- diam!: silence
- diam-diam: in secrecy; on the quite; surreptitious; tacit; furtive; in secret; inwardly; on the quiet; softly; still; slowly; under the radar; quiet; implicit; gently; stock-still; quietly; restfully; implied
- berangkat (pergi) diam-diam: sneak off; sneaked off; sneaked out
- berangkat diam-diam: snuck
- dengan diam-diam: clandestine; collusive; covertly; cryptically; furtively; lifelessly; secretly; surreptitiously
- dgn diam-diam: quietly
- duduk diam-diam: sit quietly
- ijin dengan diam-diam: connivance
- keluar diam-diam: eased out; easing out
- masuk secara diam-diam: stealing into
- melarikan diri diam-diam: skin out; skinned out; skinning out
- memasuki ruang diam-diam: steal into
- menderita secara diam-diam: eating hearth
- menderita secara diam-diam -: ate hearth; eat hearth; eaten hearth
- If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips."
Jika bibirnya diam, ujung jarinya berbicara." - John Mayer, you have the right to remain silent.
John Mayer, Anda berhak untuk tetap diam. - Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord!
Berdiri diam dan lihat keselamatan dari Tuhan! - Shut up and take this trash outta here!
Diam dan bawa sampah ini keluar dari sini! - "Subtil" like a scent, Dutrouz with a silent Z.
"Subtil" seperti aroma, Dutrouz dengan diam "z." - Fearing what you might do, I kept quiet.
Takut apa yang mungkin kamu lakukan, Aku diam. - And you must keep quiet, no matter what!
Dan kau harus tetap diam, apapun yang terjadi! - I'll take your silence as a "yes".
Aku akan mengambil diam Anda sebagai "ya " . - "The eyes are hollow the heart is worried"
" Dia berdiri tenang, oh begitu diam " - You have to be quiet while we're trying to watch.
Cobalah untuk diam Kita sedang menonton