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remain artinya

pengucapan: [ ri'mein ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "remain"
  • That land there will remain pasture in perpetuity.
    Bahwa tanah di sana akan tetap subur selamanya.
  • We do all kinds of things to remain beautiful.
    Kita melakukan banyak hal untuk tetap cantik.
  • Hard power is there, and it will remain.
    Kekuatan keras masih ada dan akan tetap ada.
  • John Mayer, you have the right to remain silent.
    John Mayer, Anda berhak untuk tetap diam.
  • Shall I remain here in a hotel room, hiding?
    bolehkah aku tetap di hotel ini, bersembunyi?
  • The struggle must remain between you and him.
    Pertentangan harus dibatasi hanya antara kau dan dia.
  • Drop your weapons, and remain where you are.
    Letakkan senjata, dan tetap di mana kamu berada.
  • We always remain all the people we've been.
    Kami selalu tetap semua orang yang kita sudah.
  • Captain, I'm afraid you'll have to remain here.
    Kapten, saya khawatir Anda harus tetap di sini.
  • These two constables will remain with you for your safety-
    Kedua polisi itu akan menjaga keselamatanmu
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • stay the same; remain in a certain state; "The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it"; "rest assured"; "stay alone"; "He remained unmoved by her tears"; "The bad weather continued for another week"
    Sinonim: stay, rest,

  • be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc.; "There remains the question of who pulled the trigger"; "Carter remains the only President in recent history under whose Presidency the U.S. did not fight a war"

  • continue in a place, position, or situation; "After graduation, she stayed on in Cambridge as a student adviser"; "Stay with me, please"; "despite student protests, he remained Dean for another year"; "She continued as deputy mayor for another year"
    Sinonim: stay, stay on, continue,

  • stay behind; "The smell stayed in the room"; "The hostility remained long after they made up"
    Sinonim: persist, stay,