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dionisos bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "dionisos"
  • These staffs were carried by Dionysus and his followers.
    Thirsos dibawa oleh Dionisos dan para pengikutnya.
  • Following the death of the king, Dionysus lifted the curse.
    Dengan matinya Likourgos, Dionisos mengangkat kutukannya.
  • Dionysus is also strongly associated with satyrs, centaurs, and sileni.
    Dionisos juga diasosiasikan dengan satir, kentaur, dan silenos.
  • A few months later, Dionysus was born.
    Beberapa bulan kemudian, Dionisos lahir.
  • Dionysus was another god of resurrection who was strongly linked to the bull.
    Dionisos adalah dewa yang dihubungkan dengan banteng.
  • The terrified Dionysus tells the truth that he is a god.
    Sang raja terlambat menyadari bahwa Dionisos adalah seorang dewa.
  • Evius is an epithet of his used prominently in Euripides' play, The Bacchae.
    Evius adalah julukan Dionisos dalam drama karya Euripides, Bakkhai.
  • In a similar story, Dionysus desired to sail from Icaria to Naxos.
    Dalam versi lain, Dionisos berniat berlayar dari Ikaria ke pulau Naxos.
  • Dionysus discovered that his old school master and foster father, Silenus, had gone missing.
    Suatu hari, Dionisos menyadari bahwa gurunya, Silenos, telah menghilang.
  • According to the myth, Zeus gave the infant Dionysus to the care of Hermes.
    Dalam suatu cerita, Zeus memberikan bayi Dionisos dalam perawatan Hermes.
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