gerak-putar bahasa Inggris
- gerak putar: rotary movement; volution
- putar: spin; spun; twisting; turning; move; crooked; reel; twist; distorted; twirl; spin around; circumvolve; revolving; gyrate; roll; birl; go around; turn; bent; turned; dial; curl; warped; rotate; whirl
- gerak: motion; propel; displace; gesture; go; prompt; movement; agitate; move; actuate; incite; be active; act; locomote; push; stir; shift; budge; travel; motivate; run; motility; force
- anoda-putar: rotating-anode
- arus putar: rotary-current; whirlpool
- arus-putar: rotating current
- baji putar: rotating wedge
- benda putar: solid of revolution
- berputar-putar: circulating; revolve; twirl; eddy; swirl
- bidang-putar: plane of rotation; surface of revolution
- cembung putar: trunnion
- cermin-putar: revolving mirror
- dapur-putar: revolving kiln
- daya-putar: rotative power
- dispersi putar: rotary dispersion