gerak-sektor bahasa Inggris
- sektor: allies sector; borough; sector; sphere; division
- gerak: motion; propel; displace; gesture; go; prompt; movement; agitate; move; actuate; incite; be active; act; locomote; push; stir; shift; budge; travel; motivate; run; motility; force
- lengan-sektor: quadrant arm
- menunut sektor: sectorally
- secara sektor: sectoral
- sektor awam: public sector
- sektor bisnis: business sector
- sektor bulatan: sector of a sphere
- sektor disk: disk sector
- sektor ekonomi: economic sectors; economic sector
- sektor informal: informal economy
- sektor kuarterner: quaternary sector of the economy
- sektor lingkaran: sector of a circle
- sektor manufactur: manufacturing sector
- sektor peribadi: private sector