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kolekte bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kolekte"
  • Corals of opportunity. Photo © Ken Nedimeyer
    Kolekte fragman nan Acropora cervicornis. Photo © Ken Nedimeyer
  • After the litany follows its collect, then another greeting from the bishop and the kiss of peace.
    Sesudah litani diadakan pengumpulan kolekte, kemudian sapaan lainnya dari uskup dan Salam damai.
  • I didn't go to church enough, I didn't pray enough I was 5 bucks short in the collection plate. Why?
    Kurang cukup ke gereja, kurang berdoa kurang 5 dolar untuk kolekte.
  • Often, I would see him take... whatever money he had... crumpled one hundreds, loose change... a Rolex watch one time... and put it in the collection plate... hoping for redemption.
    aku melihat dia mengambil... berapa pun uang yang dia punya... uang receh... Sesekali melihat Rolexnya. Dan meletakkannya di piring kolekte
  • There then follows a litany for the catechumens, to each invocation of which the people answer "Kyrie eleison"; the bishop says a collect (short general prayer) and the deacon dismisses the catechumens.
    Kemudian diikuti suatu litani bagi para katekumen, yang setiap permohonan dijawab oleh umat dengan "Kyrie eleison"; uskup kemudian mengumumkan pengumpulan kolekte setelah itu diakon membubarkan para katekumen.
  • Similar litanies and collects follow for the Energumens, the Illuminandi (photizómenoi, people about to be baptized) and the public penitents, and each time they are dismissed after the collect for them.
    Litani-litani dan kolekte-kolekte serupa juga selanjutkan dilakukan bagi para Energumen, Illuminandi (photizómenoi, orang-orang yang siap dibaptis), diakhiri dengan pernyataan tobat umum, tiap kelompok di atas dibubarkan setelah pengumpulan kolekte.
  • This was organised for Tuesday 22 September 1795, the host chapel insisting that no collection for the proposed society must be made during the founding event which would be more solemn, and formally mark the origin of the Missionary Society.
    Ini diorganisasi pada hari Selasa, 22 September 1795, dan kapel tuan rumah menuntut tidak ada pemungutan kolekte pada peristiwa pendirian sehingga lebih khidmad, dan secara resmi menandai asal mula Missionary Society.