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konoe bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "konoe"
  • His mother was Konoe Sakiko, the daughter of Konoe Sakihisa.
    Ibunya adalah putri dari Konoe Sakihisa.
  • In June 1937, Prince Konoe became Prime Minister.
    Pada bulan Juni 1937, Pangeran Fumimaro Konoe terpilih sebagai Perdana Menteri Jepang.
  • They had one son, Conrad Fredric.
    Mereka memiliki seorang putra, Tadahiro Konoe.
  • Derby was reinstated as prime minister.
    Konoe kembali ditunjuk sebagai perdana menteri.
  • Konoe was awarded the 1st class of the Order of the Rising Sun in 1939.
    Konoe mendapat penghargaan Orde Matahari Terbit pada tahun 1939.
  • Meanwhile, Konoe and the military pushed a National Mobilization Law through the Diet.
    Sementara itu, Konoe dan pihak militer memaksakan Undang-Undang Mobilisasi Nasional melalui Diet.
  • He later served as Minister of Education during the Konoe and Hiranuma administrations.
    Ia kemudian menjabat sebagai Menteri Pendidikan pada masa kepemimpinan Konoe dan Hiranuma.
  • Konoe and his cabinet feared that Japanese troops would not respect any peace agreement.
    Konoe dan kabinetnya takut tentara Jepang tidak akan menghormati segala perjanjian damai.
  • August 7, 1885 – Nov. 21, 1961
    Fumimaro Konoe | Hideki Toujyou | Yousuke Matuoka | Teijiro Toyoda | Shigenori Tougou | Kitisaburou Nomura
  • Konoe dispatched three divisions of troops, admonishing the military to be sure not to escalate the conflict.
    Konoe mengirim tiga divisi tentara, mengingatkan militer untuk tidak memperburuk konflik.
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