konoid bahasa Inggris
- konoe fumimaro: fumimaro konoe; prince fumimaro konoye; fumimaro konoye; prince fumimaro konoe; konoe; konoye
- konoe: prince fumimaro konoye; prince fumimaro konoe; fumimaro konoye; fumimaro konoe; konoye; konoe
- konon: as the story goes; it is said; it's say; conon; peradventure; maybe; perchance; perhaps; they say; i wonder; possibly; mayhap
- kono yūsha ga ore tsuē kuse ni shinchō sugiru: cautious hero: the hero is overpowered but overly cautious
- konon khabarnya: get abroad; the story goes
- kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku o!: konosuba
- kononnya: it is said that
- kono oto tomare!: kono oto tomare! sounds of life
- konosemen: bill of landing; waybill; manifest
- Conoid ,Multi-pyramidal, Columniform , polygonal or conical
Konoid, Multi-piramidal, Berbentuk kolom, poligonal atau kerucut