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liat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "liat"
  • Did you two discover something in the ice today?
    Apa kalian liat "Sesuatu" didalam Es tadi?
  • As you see, it's a beautiful day.
    Seperti yg kau liat, ini adalah hari yg indah.
  • Let's check out these clock radios over here, huh?
    Coba liat jam radio ini disini, huh?
  • See what Tele-Mart's up to here today.
    Coba aku liat apa yg Tele-Mart's inginkan hari ini.
  • See those ladies over there by the stove?
    Kau liat gadis2 itu disana dekat kompor itu?
  • Okay, Rain, lets see if you can teach
    Baik, Rain, coba liat apa kau bisa mengajar
  • Look, I gotta help my mom with some stuff.
    Liat, aku harus membantu ibu ku bekerja.
  • I don't see Junior Battle in this class.
    Aku tak liat Junior Battle di kelas ini.
  • How would you like to watch the Worm work?
    Apa kau mau liat the Worm bekerja?
  • I saw an increasing number of people searching.
    Gw liat makin banyak org yg bantuin nyari
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5