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toughened artinya

contoh kalimat "toughened"
  • The doors are bomb-proof, the windows are toughened glass,
    Pintu-pintu adalah bom-bukti, jendela adalah kaca dikeraskan,
  • "Going through this trial toughened us," he said.
    "Cobaan ini telah memperkuat kami," katanya.
  • I'd take soft kids and kick their butts till they toughened up.
    Kutunjuk anak-anak yang lemah, kutendang bokongnya hingga mereka siap.
  • Your brothers toughened up, joined the cause
    Saudaramu tangguh-tangguh, bergabunglah dengan--
  • Toughened your nipples, didn't it?
    Puting susumu keras, bukan?
  • The Prime Minister's order to practice Cuju has toughened these kids up.
    Perintah PM untuk melatih Cuju. (kickball) Telah membuat anak ini kuat.
  • 3. Popular front door with toughened glass.
    3. Pintu depan yang populer dengan kaca yang dikeraskan.
  • toughened yard museum oh yeah he's flesh
    dikeraskan museum yard oh yeah dia daging Meme it
  • .Toughened glass with good light transmition rate.
    . Kaca dikeraskan dengan tingkat transmisi cahaya yang baik.
  • 2. Flat glass is 12mm thick toughened glass
    2. Kaca rata adalah 12mm tebal kaca toughened
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment; "a sword of tempered steel"; "tempered glass"
    Sinonim: tempered, treated, hardened,

  • physically toughened; "the tough bottoms of his feet"
    Sinonim: tough,