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melebar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "melebar"
  • bumi melebar:    expanding earth
  • retak melebar:    transverse crack
  • stabilitas melebar:    lateral stability
  • ekor melebar seperti kipas:    fantail
  • meleagros (jenderal):    meleager (general)
  • meleagros:    meleager
  • melebarkan:    broaden; ream; reamed; reaming; widen; widened; widening; embellish; unfold; dramatise; draw out; pad; branch out; let out; extend; dramatize; magnify; prolong; embroider; protract; stretch out; exp
  • meleagris ocellata:    ocellated turkey
  • melebas:    off; pip; score; attain; chance on; tally; expunge; come upon; collide with; chance upon; take up; dispatch; shine; light upon; fall upon; scratch; stumble; bump off; hit; assume; excise; rack up; g
  • melchior:    lauritz melchior; melchior; lauritz lebrecht hommel melchior
  • melebih:    super
  • melbourne victory:    blueheels; melbourne victory fc
  • melebih-lebihkan:    draw a long bow; drawing a long bow; drawn a long bow; drew a long bow; exaggerate; exaggerated; exaggerating; lay it on; laying it on; overact; overacted; overacting; overdid; overdo; overdoing; ov
  • Perhaps the gap widens... More creditors, seeking action?
    Mungkin kesenjangan melebar ... tindakan kreditur lainnya, cari?
  • Feel how it expands when you make a fist.
    Rasakan bagaimana ia melebar saat tanganmu menggenggam
  • The leads widen, forming tracts of open water.
    Lead yang melebar, pembentukan saluran air terbuka.
  • Rossi back in front, but he runs a little bit wide.
    Rossi berhasil, tapi dia terlalu melebar.
  • Lorenzo runs in a little bit wide at Turn 1.
    Lorenzo melaju agak melebar di tikungan 1.
  • As the crater widened, sea water poured into it.
    Sebagai kawah melebar, air laut menuang ke dalamnya.
  • His pupils were not dilated when he died.
    Pupil matanya tidak melebar ketika ia meninggal
  • Your heart rate increases, your pupils dilate, you breathe faster
    Detak jantungmu meningkat, Pupilmu melebar, nafasmu memburu
  • All those hunting trips I shared with your brother,
    Aku berburu hanya melebar untuk adikku.
  • We need to find Matt before this goes wide.
    Kita harus temukan Matt sebelum ini makin melebar.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5