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flare artinya

pengucapan: [ flɛə ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: flared   kata kerja past continuous: flared   kata benda plural: flares   kata kerja present continuous: flaring   
contoh kalimat "flare"
  • flare like:    menyala seperti
  • flare out:    kembang
  • flare spot:    bintik kantar
  • flare star:    bintang suar
  • flare up:    menyala; berkobar; menggejolak; meledak; membersit; meluap; kambuh; bergejolak; membobok; melalak; bernyala; memberongsang; memarak; menggebu; gebu; menggebu-gebu; mengupak
  • flare-up:    dentuman; cetusan; letusan; ledakan
  • gas flare:    gas suar
  • lens flare:    pijar lensa
  • polaris flare:    lidah api polaris
  • solar flare:    suar matahari; suar suria; sinar matahari
  • flare constans(horns):    tetapan corong
  • flaps:    pukul; kepak
  • flappy:    mengepak-ngepak
  • flapping:    mengepakkan; pukul; kelepak; acungan; kebasan; lambaian; kibasan
  • Major, I set up flares, frags and claymores.
    Mayor aku sudah mengatur api, asap, dan ranjau.
  • The fire in the galley could have flared back up.
    Api di dapur bisa berkobar kembali.
  • The enormous solar flare has already caused power surges.
    Semburan Matahari terdahsyat telah menyebabkan lonjakan listrik..
  • You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare!
    Kau yang memberi tanda kepada Kapal Negara Api!
  • I didn't realize we had so few flares.
    Aku tidak menyadari kalau kita punya sedikit cerawat.
  • No. - Signal the chopper and set the flare.
    Beri sinyal helikopter dengan kembang api itu.
  • Can you give me one of those flares?
    Bisa beri aku salah satu sinyal api itu?
  • It will be dark soon Who has the flares?
    akan segera gelap siapa yang punya api?
  • Tempers would flare, people would start getting hurt.
    Emosi mereda, orang - orang mulai merasa sakit.
  • The solar flare will do most of the damage.
    Suar surya yang akan membuat kerusakan terbesar.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • (baseball) a fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield

  • a short forward pass to a back who is running toward the sidelines; "he threw a flare to the fullback who was tackled for a loss"
    Sinonim: flare pass,

  • a device that produces a bright light for warning or illumination or identification

  • a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate
    Sinonim: flash,

  • a sudden outburst of emotion; "she felt a flare of delight"; "she could not control her flare of rage"

  • am unwanted reflection in an optical system (or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflection)

  • a sudden eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun''s surface; associated with sunspots and radio interference
    Sinonim: solar flare,

  • a sudden burst of flame

  • a shape that spreads outward; "the skirt had a wide flare"
    Sinonim: flair,

  • a sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms; "a colitis flare"; "infection can cause a lupus flare"

  • reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation

  • Kata kerja
  • become flared and widen, usually at one end; "The bellbottom pants flare out"
    Sinonim: flare out,

  • erupt or intensify suddenly; "Unrest erupted in the country"; "Tempers flared at the meeting"; "The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism"
    Sinonim: erupt, irrupt, flare up, break open, burst out,

  • burn brightly; "Every star seemed to flare with new intensity"
    Sinonim: flame up, blaze up, burn up,

  • shine with a sudden light; "The night sky flared with the massive bombardment"
    Sinonim: flame,