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meleleh bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "meleleh"
  • hancur meleleh:    melt away
  • meleleh habis:    melted away
  • melelas:    fret; cutting; chafe; gall; graze; excoriate; cutting off; cut; brush; crease; rake
  • melelangkan:    bring to the hammer; bringing to the hammer; sell by auction; tenderize; tender; tenderise; offer; bid
  • melelang habis:    go under the hammer; going under the hammer; gone under the hammer
  • melelehkan:    fuse; trickle; exude; transude; exudate; ooze out; filter; ooze; dribble
  • melelang:    auction; auctioned; auctioning; brought to the hammer; came under the hammer; come under the hammer; put up for action; sell in auction; selling by auction; sold by auction
  • melelehkan air liur:    slaver; slavered; slavering
  • melelahkan:    back breaking; backbreaking; exhaust; exhausted; exhausting; fatigue; fatigued; fatiguing; taken it out of; taking it out of; tire; tired; tiring; toilsome; took it out of; tucker; wearisome; wore o
  • melelehkan habis:    melting away
  • They will fly away the gold and melt it.
    Mereka akan terbang emas dan meleleh itu.
  • And on top, a thin slice of melted cheese.
    Dan di atas, seiris tipis keju meleleh.
  • The ice isn't breaking. Hurt your little ego?
    gunung es tidak akan meleleh... ego kamu tersentil?
  • "If I could melt your heart
    ª Jika aku bisa meleleh kau jantung ... â? ª?
  • Get that near the end or it'll melt.
    Dapatkan saat mendekati akhir atau ia akan meleleh.
    Rasanya aku mau meleleh. Lalu itu, Huko, yang pakai baju biru.
  • On a warm day you can see it weeping.
    Disaat cuaca panas kau bisa melihatnya meleleh.
  • If the melted candles pleased his young mistress.
    Jika lilin yang meleleh akan menyenangkan selir mudanya.
  • Or a snowman, melting in the rain.
    Atau satu orang-orangan dari salju, meleleh di tengah hujan.
  • No, they either evaporated or dove into the sea.
    Entah mereka meleleh atau terjun ke laut.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5