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seep artinya

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contoh kalimat "seep"
  • And his terror begins to seep into my mind.
    Rasa takutnya mulai masuk ke pikiranku.
  • It will seep, and then it's going to draw.
    Kita ada kerja nak buat.
  • "his hunger will seep out and poison the air."
    "Kelaparannya merembes dan meracuni udara."
  • So that the story can be They seep into the head.
    Supaya ceritanya bisa Meresap ke kepala Mereka.
  • Over time, trace amounts of radiation seep inside.
    Seiring waktu, radiasi perlahan masuk kedalam.
  • I can't eat, I can't seep.
    Aku tak bisa makan, tak bisa tidur.
  • Gently let the colour seep in
    Dengan lembut biarkan warnamu meresap
  • Radiation will seep in everywhere else.
    Radiasinya akan segera menyebar kemana-mana.
  • The scar will seep into your bones and you will die.
    Lukanya akan meresap ke dalam tulang mu dan kau akan mati.
  • It might be able to seep off our part of the universe.
    Ini mungkin bisa merembes dari bagian kita dari alam semesta.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
    Sinonim: ooze,