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meluncur bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "meluncur"
  • alat meluncur:    roller skating equipment
  • meluncur (roket):    blast off; blasted off; blasting off
  • meluncur bebas:    free-wheel; free-wheeled; free-wheeling
  • meluncur cepat:    hurtled; hurtling; kited along; kiting along
  • meluncur menubruk:    slid into; slide into; slided into; sliding into
  • meluncur pergi:    kited
  • meluncur turun:    race down; raced down; racing down
  • terbang meluncur:    gliding flight
  • meluncur dengan cepat:    barrel along; bowl along; bowled along; bowling along; hurtle; kite along
  • meluncur ke bawah:    slid down; slide down; slided down; sliding down; sink
  • meluncur ke udara:    flew into the air
  • meluncur lebih jauh:    overshoot
  • melunaskan:    square up; squared up; squaring up; ante up; finalize; honour; settle; pay back; refund; buy off; honor; compensate; bear; make up; fix; nail down; get; pay; yield; give; redeem; repay; return; give
  • melunasi utang:    getting even; got even; gotten even
  • melunasi hutang:    close account; getting square with; got square with; satisfied all demands; satisfy all demands; satisfying all demands; square accounts; squared accounts
  • melunasi:    paid in full; paid off; pay in full; pay off; paying in full; paying off; worked off; working off; return; give back; devote; repay; yield; give; redeem; reconcile; pay; pay up; liquidate; patch up;
  • Moonraker One on preset launch program, minus two minutes.
    Moonraker Satu, siap meluncur, kurang 2 menit.
  • Up slow and silent to launch depth. Aye, aye, Captain.
    Tetap lambat untuk meluncur ke dalam.
  • Isn't it lovely, the way they glide like that?
    Indah bukan cara mereka meluncur seperti itu?
  • We're on the boat and I see this barrel coming down.
    Aku melihat drumnya meluncur jatuh.
  • But since it's Christmas, I'm gonna let you slide.
    Karena ini Natal, Akan kubiarkan kau meluncur.
  • You know, car chases, hang-gliding, James Bond stuff.
    Kau tahu, kejar-kejaran mobil, meluncur. Seperti James Bond.
  • "Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved impala
    "Dean meluncur di belakang setir Impala tercintanya
  • And that might help you slide down a little easier.
    Itu mungkin membantumu meluncur lebih mudah.
  • Earth and this Mars-sized body are barreling toward
    Bumi dan ini-Mars berukuran tubuh meluncur ke arah
  • Someone is making jeon. - Someone is making jeon.
    Kita akan meluncur ke belakang lagi, ya?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5