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rocket artinya

pengucapan: [ 'rɔkit ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "rocket"
  • It's very, very simple. It's not rocket science.
    Sangat sangat sederhana. Bukan sesuatu yang amat sulit.
  • Yeah, well, he's also in that rocket.
    Yah, betul, dia juga ada di dalam roket itu.
  • Uh, Toyman, can we please see the rocket now?
    Eh, Toyman, dapat kita lihat roket sekarang?
  • For rocket science, it wasn't exactly rocket science.
    Untuk ilmu roket, itu bukan ilmu roket persis.
  • For rocket science, it wasn't exactly rocket science.
    Untuk ilmu roket, itu bukan ilmu roket persis.
  • So, as far as getting money for the rocket
    Jadi, sejauh mana memperoleh uang untuk roket
  • I swear the engine was running like a rocket.
    Aku bersumpah mesin itu berjalan seperti roket.
  • They contain more ethanol than rocket fuel.
    Mereka mengandung lebih banyak Etanol daripada bahan bakar roket.
  • Three cards with the same number on, Rocket.
    Tiga kartu dengan nomor yang sama pada, Rocket.
  • I think that ten minutes is up, Rocket.
    Saya berpikir bahwa sepuluh menit sudah habis, Rocket.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion
    Sinonim: rocket engine,

  • any vehicle self-propelled by a rocket engine
    Sinonim: projectile,

  • sends a firework display high into the sky
    Sinonim: skyrocket,

  • propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon
    Sinonim: skyrocket,

  • erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender
    Sinonim: roquette, garden rocket, rocket salad, arugula, Eruca sativa, Eruca vesicaria sativa,

  • Kata kerja
  • propel with a rocket

  • shoot up abruptly, like a rocket; "prices skyrocketed"
    Sinonim: skyrocket,