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skyrocket artinya

kata kerja past tense: skyrocketed   kata kerja past continuous: skyrocketed   kata kerja present continuous: skyrocketing   
contoh kalimat "skyrocket"
  • Killed the working class, causing incarceration rates to skyrocket.
    Membunuh para pekerja, menyebabkan tingkat kriminalitas meroket.
  • The stocks will skyrocket when the article is released.
    Saham akan meroket saat artikel ini dirilis .
  • The bonuses on those skyrocketed a few years ago.
    Bonusnya besar beberapa tahun yang lalu.
  • Crime levels plummeted, and Tetravaal stock skyrocketed.
    Tingkat kejahatan menurun drastis. Dan saham Tetravaal meroket.
  • Estimates of the number of infected have skyrocketed.
    Perkiraan jumlah yang terinfeksi terus melonjak.
  • Chances of them being captured or killed here just skyrocketed.
    Apa kita batalkan saja?
  • The price of cocaine in Miami was skyrocketing.
    Harga kokain di Miami meroket tajam.
  • This figure was somewhat distorted by the skyrocketing price of copper.
    Gambaran ini didistorsi oleh meroketnya harga tembaga.
  • His popularity skyrocketed with his third channel, CrazyRussianHacker, in 2012.
    Popularitasnya meroket dengan saluran ketiga, CrazyRussianHacker, pada tahun 2012.
  • Sartono of the school's career skyrocketed to join the PSIS.
    Sartono dari karier sekolah melejit untuk bergabung dengan PSIS.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • sends a firework display high into the sky
    Sinonim: rocket,

  • propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon
    Sinonim: rocket,

  • Kata kerja
  • shoot up abruptly, like a rocket; "prices skyrocketed"
    Sinonim: rocket,