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meroket bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "meroket"
  • Killed the working class, causing incarceration rates to skyrocket.
    Membunuh para pekerja, menyebabkan tingkat kriminalitas meroket.
  • He has a meteoric rise in recent years
    Dia telah meroket dalam beberapa tahun terakhir
  • The stocks will skyrocket when the article is released.
    Saham akan meroket saat artikel ini dirilis .
  • Crime levels plummeted, and Tetravaal stock skyrocketed.
    Tingkat kejahatan menurun drastis. Dan saham Tetravaal meroket.
  • In two years, the price is bound to soar.
    Dua tahun lagi, harga rumah ini akan meroket.
  • AziLyle, on the other hand... up. Way up.
    AziLyle, di lain pihak, sahamnya meroket.
  • The price of cocaine in Miami was skyrocketing.
    Harga kokain di Miami meroket tajam.
  • I need you to know that I raised Ray right.
    Aku ingin kau tahu bahwa aku ingin dia meroket..
  • He had a meteoric rise until a year ago. - What happened then?
    Dia meroket sampai tahun yang lalu.
  • His popularity skyrocketed with his third channel, CrazyRussianHacker, in 2012.
    Popularitasnya meroket dengan saluran ketiga, CrazyRussianHacker, pada tahun 2012.
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