memensiunkan bahasa Inggris
- memenjarakan: cast into prison; casting into prison; commit to prison; commited to prison; commiting to prison; gaoled; immured; immuring; imprison; imprisoned; imprisoning; incancerate; incancerated; incancerati
- memenjara: put away; lag; put behind bars; remand; imprison; jug; jail; incarcerate; immure; gaol
- mementang: draw out; fan out; dissipate; unfold; strain; offer; widen; reach out; prolong; roll out; extend; string out; broaden; go; disperse; afford; rotate; put out; stretch forth; spread; continue; stretch
- memeningkan: heady; intoxicating; dizzy
- mementaskan: stage; deliver; lay out; submit; exhibit; salute; portray; give; introduce; arrange; depict; act; confront; pose; play; perform; demo; acquaint; award; picture; show; demonstrate; enact; present; gi
- memengkol: sprain; release; bend; plow; wrench; ferment; turn over; sour; work; turn; deform; grow; change state; change by reversal; rick; move around; reverse; flex; call on; wrick; become; plough; twist
- mementingkan: attach important to; attached important to; attaching important to; made a account of; make a account of; making a account of; emphasize; punctuate; stress; accent; emphasise; accentuate
- memengkalkan: bother; chafe; annoy; rag; nark; get to; vex; get at; devil; gravel; rile; nettle; irritate
- mementingkan diri sendiri: self-centred; selfish; self-interest
- Well, that's how it is at the retirement home.
Well, itulah cara cepat untuk memensiunkan diri. - Greenpeace purchased the ship in 1995.
Aeroflot memensiunkan pesawat ini pada tahun 1995. - The board of directors will retire that weak-kneed Βrown and promote me to CEO!
Dewan direksi akan memensiunkan Βrown yg lemah itu dan mempromosikan aku sebagai CEO! - You may get to have some fun before they send you off to the rocking chair yet.
Kau mungkin akan mendapatkan beberapa kesenangan sebelum mereka memensiunkan dirimu. - It's probably to retire the band, but we can't rub it in and say, "I told you so."
Ini mungkin untuk memensiunkan band tapi kita tidak menggesernya dan berkata "aku bilang begitu. - In 1983, three Douglas DC-10s joined the fleet and the airline started to phase out the Boeing 707s.
Tahun 1983, tiga Douglas DC-10 bergabung dengan armada dan maskapai memulai untuk memensiunkan armada Boeing 707. - FC Köln chose to retire his famous No. 10 shirt as long as he is an active football player.
FC Köln memilih untuk memensiunkan nomor punggung 10 selama dia aktif sebagai pemain sepak bola. - As part of NSB's campaign to retire steam locomotives, a Di 2 diesel locomotive was test-run on 16 February 1961.
Sebagai bagian dari kampanye NSB untuk memensiunkan lokomotif uap, sebuah lokomotif diesel Di 2 diuji coba pada 16 Februari 1961. - He retired in November 2015 due to mandated retirement rules, which called for the retirement of all provincial-ministerial level officials at age 65; he was succeeded by Shi Taifeng.
Ia pensiun pada November 2015 karena dimandatkan aturan pensiun, yang menyebutkan untuk memensiunkan seluruh pejabat tingkat menteri provinsi pada usia 65 tahun; ia digantikan oleh Shi Taifeng. - The company leased two Boeing 737-500s to replace its old Soviet planes, and in 1996, after obtaining two more Fokker 50s, it was able to retire the Soviet fleet entirely.
Perusahaan menyewa dua Boeing 737-500s untuk menggantikan pesawat tua buatan Soviet, dan pada tahun 1996, setelah menerima dua lagi Fokker 50, maskapai ini memensiunkan seluruh armada buatan Soviet.