recede artinya
pengucapan: [ ri'si:d ] audio:
- menurun harga
- menyusut
- surut
- undur
- menjauh
- mereda
- menarik
- menarik diri
- mengedrop
- menghilang
- kalah
- rontok
- mengganjur
- memensiunkan
- mengundurkan
- mundur
- bersisurut
- mengundur
- hengkang
- menarik mundur
- receded: menyusut
- receding: mundur; susut
- receicing-circuit: rangkaian penerima
- reccy: pengintaian
- receipt: penerimaan; resit; tanda terima; struk; bon; sambutan; membenarkan; struck; kuitansi; resi; kwitansi; tanda pembayaran; penerima
- You see that they've already started to recede.
Kau melihat mereka telah mulai surut. - In July, the water begins to recede.
Pada bulan Juli, air mulai surut. - Every inch that we recede will be occupied by them.
Segala sengsara yang seharusnya dialami oleh manusia telah diderita-Nya. - It would be so hard for him to recede into the background
Akan sangat sulit baginya untuk surut ke latar belakang. - When did the flood waters recede?
Kapan banjir air surut? . - If the swelling continues to recede, She could regain consciousness at anytime.
Jika bengkaknya terus berkurang dia bisa segera siuman kapan saja. - And any trouble we had here, will recede away like a dream.
Dan masalah yang kita hadapi di sini, akan hilang seperti mimpi. - Tobacco use is a significant risk factor for periodontal disease, which can cause the gingiva to recede.
Tembakau adalah faktor yang signifikan pada penyakit periodontis, seperti dapat menyusutkan gusi. - We could be standing on a roof in some bangladeshi village, Waiting for the flood waters to recede.
Kita mungkin berada di atas atap di suatu desa di Bangladesh, menanti banjir surut. - If, on the other hand, Mary gave birth to a healthy child, Elizabeth's chances of becoming queen would recede sharply.
Namun, bila Mary melahirkan anak yang sehat, kesempatan Elizabeth menjadi ratu akan hilang.
- Kata kerja
- become faint or more distant; "the unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older"
- retreat
Sinonim: fall back, lose, drop off, fall behind, - pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb"
Sinonim: withdraw, retreat, pull away, draw back, pull back, retire, move back,