menera bahasa Inggris
- menera-ulang: recalibrate
- menepukkan: clap; clapped; clapping
- menepuk-nepuk: plump up
- menepuk perlahan-lahan: pat
- menerakan: impress; pigeonhole; print; stereotype; form; boss; seal off; seal; stamp; emboss; stomp; varnish; imprint; stump
- menepuk dada: beat the breast; beaten the breast; beating the breast; bluster; feature; vaunt; boast; sport; shoot a line; tout; blow; gasconade; swash; brag; gas
- menerang: clear up; crystalize; crystallise; sort out; clear; illuminate; straighten out; crystalise; shed light on; elucidate; enlighten; crystallize
- menepuk: pat; pat on the back; patted; patting; putt; putted; tapped; clap; chuck; spat; tap; strike; acclaim; opportunely; applaud; tip; dab; hit
- menerangi: brighten; brightening; enlighten; enlightened; enlightening; illume; illuminate; illuminated; illumine; illumined; illumining; light; light the; light up; lighted on; lighten; lightened; lightening;
- My job is just to stamp 'em and ship 'em out.
Tugasku hanya menera dan mengirimnya. - Yeah, caller ID put the number here.
Ya, caller ID menera nomor di sini. - Yep, Avery wants us to filter this down to the one machine that stamped this package by the time she lands in San Antonio.
Yap, Avery ingin kita menyaringnya ke satu mesin yang menera paket ini. begitu dia mendarat di San Antonio. - The meter stamp also has a date, and since we already know the postage, $1.82. we can eliminate any machine that didn't record that amount on this same date.
Cap pos juga menera tanggal,. dan karena kita sudah tahu ongkos kirimnya 1,82 dolar, kita bisa hilangkan. .mesin yang tak mencatat jumlah itu di tanggal yang sama. - And the great thing with that is the fact that we can calibrate each one to be very, very specific to its location, to the angle of the sun, and also how the thing actually curls.
Dan yang luar biasa adalah fakta bahwa kita dapat menera ulang setiap kepingan itu secara khusus menurut letak, menurut sudut cahaya mataharinya, dan bagaimana benda ini melengkung.