print artinya
pengucapan: [ print ] audio:
kata kerja past tense: printed kata kerja past continuous: printed kata benda plural: prints kata kerja present continuous: printing
- cetakan
- mencetak
- foto
- jejak
- membatik
- menerbitkan
- menulis
- telah berwarna
- bekas
- kesan
- mengecap
- menerakan
- menyiarkan
- cetak
- tanda
- terbit
- memublikasikan
- gambar
- mengeluarkan
- rekam
- menjebrolkan
- diwarnakan
- merekamkan
- diwarnai
- dicetak
- cap
- menera
- merekam
- in print: sedang dicetak
- albumen print: cetak albumen
- blue print: rencana
- exclude in print: tidak layak cetak; tidak dicetak
- fine print: huruf cetak halus
- finger print: sidik jari
- flash print: titik api
- heliographic print: cetak-cahaya
- in / out of print: berpeluang /tidak berpeluang sukses
- out of print: tidak diterbitkan; tidak tersedia lagi
- part print: bagan komponen
- photographic print: gambar; foto
- print and distribute: cetak dan sebar
- print cutter's: pahat-ukir
- print finger: sidik jari
- We took our Monet prints to the hospital.
Kami membawa gambar Monet kami ke rumah sakit. - One hundred thousand posters have been printed this year.
Seratus ribu poster telah dicetak tahun ini. - So, can we print money for international aid?
Jadi, dapatkah kita mencetak uang untuk bantuan internasional? - I've worked in print. I've worked in documentary.
Saya pernah bekerja di media cetak, di dokumenter, - Suddenly, books were being printed all over the world.
Tiba-tiba, buku sedang dicetak di seluruh dunia. - This is the print I took from Usher's office.
Ini sidik yang ditemukan di kantor Usher. - You printed one of my letters last year.
Anda dicetak salah satu Ietters saya Iast tahun. - He liked even the paper it was printed on... slick.
Ia suka walaupun itu cuma cetakan. - The print Mulder lifted off the TV. lt's missing.
Sidik yang diambil Mulder dari TV. Hilang. - I don't know anything about any missing print.
Aku tidak tahu apa-apa tentang sidik yang hilang.
- Kata benda
- a printed picture produced from a photographic negative
Sinonim: photographic print, - a picture or design printed from an engraving
- a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)
- a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it)
- availability in printed form; "we''ve got to get that story into print"; "his book is no longer in print"
- the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication; "I want to see it in print"
- a visible indication made on a surface; "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"; "paw prints were everywhere"
Sinonim: mark, Kata kerja - put into print; "The newspaper published the news of the royal couple''s divorce"; "These news should not be printed"
Sinonim: publish, - write as if with print; not cursive
- reproduce by printing
Sinonim: impress, - make into a print; "print the negative"