Masuk Daftar

menganggur bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menganggur"
  • dengan menganggur:    at a loose end
  • raja menganggur:    roi fainéant
  • yang menganggur:    unemployed; out of work; nonemployed; resting
  • tenaga setengah menganggur:    underemployed
  • menganggukkan:    nod
  • mengangguk-angguk:    nod
  • menganggut:    shift; slant; lurch; huckster; hawk; cant; nod; sky; gear; cant over; incline; monger; flip; tilt; pitch; vend; slope; toss; peddle; deliver; set up
  • mengangguk:    beckon; nod; nodded; nodding; nod (gesture)
  • mengangin:    vanish; disappear; fan; go away
  • menganggit:    blueprint; fortify; plait; lace up; interlace; enlace; draft; wander; wind; draw; compile; twine; string; draw up; braid; compose; draught; frame; enlist; string up; spike; entwine; thread; indite;
  • mengangini:    fan
  • menganggarkan:    budgeted; estimate; budget; cost; see; hold; make; guess; deem; forecast; consider; gauge; reckon; regard; take for; approximate; view; judge; view as; count on; figure; calculate
  • menganginkan:    aerate; aerated; aerating; aired out; airout; airouted; airouting; air; drip-dry; ventilate; aerified; vent; air out
  • He's unemployed He's probably involved in the robbery.
    Dia menganggur Dia mungkin terlibat dalam perampokan itu.
  • More jobs means fewer people looking for work.
    Makin banyak lowongan artinya makin sedikit orang menganggur.
  • Now use your non-shooting hand to hold it tight.
    Lalu gunakan tanganmu yang menganggur memegangnya erat-erat.
  • Bottom line is, by 6pm tomorrow we'll all be unemployed.
    Besok di. 18 kami menganggur.
  • Since you quit your previous job, you're unemployed?
    Karena Anda keluar dari pekerjaan Anda sebelumnya, Anda menganggur?
  • He's unemployed, his wife left, and he started gambling.
    Dia menganggur, istrinya pergi, dan dia mulai berjudi.
  • You might already know, but my dad is unemployed,
    Anda mungkin sudah tahu, tetapi ayah saya menganggur,
  • There's a lot of people in this city who don't.
    Banyak orang di kota ini yang menganggur.
  • He co-owns his dad's restaurant. He's always idle
    Dia memiliki restoran ayahnya, dia selalu menganggur.
  • Come Monday, the fired man is the forgotten man.
    Senin mendatang, yang menganggur adalah orang yang dilupakan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5