menganut bahasa Inggris
- menganut (fahaman: profess
- menganulir: scrub; cancel; scratch; call off
- menganugerahkan bintang kehormatan: decorate
- menganugerahkan: bestow; bestowed; bestowing; confer; confer upon; confered upon; confering upon; conferred upon; conferring upon; grant; present; award
- menganuti agama buddha: become a buddhist
- menganugerahi: bestowed upon; bestowing upon; endow; honor; attribute; ascribe; delegate; grant; designate; award; give; allot; allocate; reward; present; gift; apportion; portion; assign; impute; render; honour;
- menganyam: weave; wove; woven; braid; wander; tissue; thread; meander; waver; interweave; plait; wind
- menganugerah: award
- mengapa: wherefore; why; why did; why have; why should; how; how come; what … for; reason; for what reason; matter; why the reason why
- It was diverting, but I've been through so many.
Itu.. mengalihkan,.. ..aku pernah menganut bayak ajaran. - As Parsis, the Bulsara family practised the Zoroastrian religion.
Sebagai Parsi, keluarga Bulsara menganut agama Zoroastrian. - These modules had their own connector on the system module.
Sistem pembelajarannya sendiri menganut sistem Blok. - Are you straightedge like I am?
Apa kau Straightedge (pergerakan anak muda yang menganut anti narkoba) sepertiku? - I am still trying to grasp each party is... Status?
Aku masih mencoba menganut masing-masing status kepartaian? - Hailey, Jimmy and his entire family were into black magic.
Jimmy dan seluruh keluarganya menganut ilmu hitam. - During this time, he adopted ideas of mathematical realism.
Pada masa ini, ia menganut ide realisme matematika. - Estonia has pursued the development of the e-state and e-government.
Estonia menganut pembangunan negara dan pemerintahan elektronik. - Both of Bennett's parents observe Modern Orthodox Judaism.
Kedua orangtua Bennett menganut Yudaisme Ortodoks Modern. - Brundage sees Caesarius holds similar view as Cassian.
Brundage melihat Sesarius menganut pandangan yang sama seperti Kasianus.
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