espouse artinya
- He would not be the only one to espouse this viewpoint.
Ia bukan satu-satunya yang dipertimbangkan untuk posisi itu. - Loyalty - We are loyal to the mission of our company and the values we espouse.
Loyalitas - Kami setia pada misi perusahaan kami dan nilai-nilai yang kami dukung. - You cannot be in favor of your own values, which are at a distance from the values that you espouse.
Anda tidak bisa mendukung nilai-nilai Anda sendiri, yang berbeda dengan nilai yang Anda ajarkan. - Believers may be similarly violent in disposition towards apostates or heretics, even if those espouse only a slightly different version of the faith.
Orang-orang beriman mungkin sama keras terhadap yang murtad atau sesat, meski bahkan hanya sedikit berbeda versi. - So the trendiest schools in the world, High Tech High and others, they espouse a philosophy of learning as productive activity.
Bahkan sekolah yang paling trendi di dunia, High Tech High dan yang lainnya, mereka memiliki filosofi belajar sebagai sebuah aktifitas produktif - Different Muslim groups within the Australian Muslim community thus also espouse parallel non-religious ethnic identities with related non-Muslim counterparts, either within Australia or abroad.
Dengan demikian, bagian-bagian berbeda di dalam komunitas Muslim Australia juga dapat mendukung identitas tambahan, terbebas dari identitas Muslim mereka, sering berhubungan dengan teman non-Muslim, di Australia maupun luar negeri. - Although all of the particular churches espouse the same beliefs and faith, their distinction lies in their varied expression of that faith through their traditions, disciplines, and canon law.
Meskipun semua Gereja partikular ini menganut kepercayaan dan iman yang sama, perbedaan di antara mereka terletak pada ekspresi yang berbeda-beda dari iman tersebut melalui tradisi, disiplin, dan hukum kanon masing-masing.
Kata kerja
- take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one''s own; "She embraced Catholicism"; "They adopted the Jewish faith"
Sinonim: embrace, adopt, sweep up,
- choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans; "She followed the feminist movement"; "The candidate espouses Republican ideals"
Sinonim: adopt, follow,
- take in marriage
Sinonim: marry, get married, wed, conjoin, hook up with, get hitched with,