Masuk Daftar

memalun bahasa Inggris

  • memalukan seseorang:    put down
  • memalukan bagi:    it is a shame for
  • memalut:    enclose; get across; overlay; extend; roll; embrace; wrap; compensate; enwrap; cut across; insure; handle; overcompensate; report; pass over; shroud; twine; deal; hide; treat; breed; wrap up; enfold
  • memalukan:    abash; abashing; confound; confounded; confounding; disgrace; disgraced; disgraceful; disgracing; dishonor; dishonored; dishonoring; dishonour; dishonourable; dishonoured; dishonouring; doghouse; fo
  • memamah:    chaw; chawed; chawing; crunch; crunched; crunching; champ; jaw; piece; ruminate; masticate; chew; nibble; chomp; munch; manducate; pick
  • memalu:    hammer; buffet; knock about; knock; hit; batter; buff; strike; bump
  • memamah biak:    chew the cud; chewed the cud; chewing the cud; cud; ruminate
  • memalsukan membangun:    fabricate; manufacture
  • memamerkan:    exhibit; flaunt; parade; show off; present; expose; display; march; show; demo; demonstrate