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menghadirkan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menghadirkan"
  • menghadiri upacara:    assist at; assisted at; assisting at
  • menghadiri:    attend; attended; attending; seeing through; lay eyes on; go to; behold
  • menghadkan:    binding; limit; restrict; determine; qualify; specialize; curtail; narrow down; detain; fix; narrow; delimitate; define; circumscribe; bound; specialise; delineate; set; cut back; throttle; delimit;
  • menghadiahkan:    awarding; prise; prising; gift; give; portray; reward; demonstrate; present; represent; honour; honor; demo; pose; grant; show; submit; exhibit; award; lay out
  • menghafal:    commit to memory; commited to memory; commiting to memory; memorize; memorize, (also memorise british); memorise; canvass; examine; take; learn; study; con; analyse; read; canvas; analyze
  • menghadiahi:    award; awarded; presented with; presents; rewarded
  • menghafal . sampai sempurna:    get down cold; getting down cold; got down cold; gotten down cold
  • menghadapkan:    conduce; conduced; conducing; had it out with someone; have it out with someone; having it out with someone; expose; pit; submit; indicate; designate; channelise; advert; train; boot; parent; call d
  • menghafalkan:    con; conned; conning; learn by heart; learn by rote; learned by rote; learning by heart; learning by rote; learnt by heart; learnt by rote; memorized; memorizing
  • We've got Lateral Visions and plenty more.
    Kita juga menghadirkan Lateral Visions dan banyak lagi lainnya
  • But Carol has brought out a whole new side of me.
    Tapi Carol Menghadirkan sisi baruku.
  • My point- achieving a peaceful end of Roman rule.
    Maksudku- Menghadirkan kedamaian akhir dari kekuasaan Romawi.
  • First I would like to call upon the investigating officer
    Pertama saya akan menghadirkan Petugas investigasi
  • Recently in 2018 Tokopedia launched Mitra Tokopedia application.
    Sejak tahun 2018, Tokopedia juga menghadirkan Tokopedia Center.
  • I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society
    Dengan ini saya menghadirkan lagi "Dead Poets Society",
  • We also presented the Super one million prize.
    Kita juga menghadirkan Super one million prize.
  • My husband and I conceived Sabrina the old-fashioned way.
    Suamiku dan aku menghadirkan Sabrina dengan cara lama.
  • We are very busy bringing joy to children.
    Kita sangat sibuk menghadirkan kesenangan pada anak-anak.
  • I present to you a match-up of epic proportions.
    Aku menghadirkan pertandingan dari proporsi epik.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5