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menghadkan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menghadkan"
  • perundingan menghadkan senjata strategik:    strategic arms limitation talks
  • menghadirkan:    represent; show; exhibit; lay out; present; demo; demonstrate
  • menghadiri upacara:    assist at; assisted at; assisting at
  • menghafal:    commit to memory; commited to memory; commiting to memory; memorize; memorize, (also memorise british); memorise; canvass; examine; take; learn; study; con; analyse; read; canvas; analyze
  • menghadiri:    attend; attended; attending; seeing through; lay eyes on; go to; behold
  • menghafal . sampai sempurna:    get down cold; getting down cold; got down cold; gotten down cold
  • menghadiahkan:    awarding; prise; prising; gift; give; portray; reward; demonstrate; present; represent; honour; honor; demo; pose; grant; show; submit; exhibit; award; lay out
  • menghafalkan:    con; conned; conning; learn by heart; learn by rote; learned by rote; learning by heart; learning by rote; learnt by heart; learnt by rote; memorized; memorizing
  • menghadiahi:    award; awarded; presented with; presents; rewarded
  • menghairankan:    amaze; astonish; astonishing
  • As for limitation of the riveting machine, the wide notch of the U type cover plate of busbar profiles shall exceed or be equal to 42mm.
    Bagi menghadkan mesin riveting, takaran luas plat penutup jenis U profil profil bus akan melebihi atau sama dengan 42mm.
  • Calvary Apostolic Ministries Tenets of Faith and Mission Statement are defined to maintain good working relationships with The Body of Christ and therefore we confine our teaching to our Doctrinal Persuasion with no intent to discriminate against other Doctrinal persuasions. No correspondence will be entered into concerning different Doctrinal persuasions.
    Calvary Kementerian Kerasulan Ajaran-ajaran iman dan Pernyataan Misi ditentukan untuk mempertahankan hubungan kerja yang baik dengan Tubuh Kristus dan oleh karena itu kita menghadkan mengajar kita untuk Bujukan Doktrin kita dengan maksud tidak diskriminasi terhadap doktrin lain rayu. Tidak diizinkan surat menyurat mengenai doktrin berbeda rayu.