pencoklatan bahasa Inggris
- pencocokan kas: cash reconciliation
- pencobaan yesus: temptation of christ
- pencoleng: cattle-lifter; skyjacker; car-jacker; hijacker; carjacker
- pencobaan: temptation; persuasion; enticement; cajolery; flattery
- pencontoh: stencil
- penciutan: throtteling
- pencopet: pickpocket; the light-fingered gentry
- penciuman elektronik: electronic nose
- pencoretan: deletion; cancellation
- -Maillard reaction i.e. undergoes browning and flavour development
- Reaksi maillard yaitu mengalami pencoklatan dan pengembangan rasa - Scientific studies in the early 2000s found that toast may contain carcinogens (acrylamide) caused by the browning process.
Studi ilmiah pada awal 2000-an menemukan bahwa roti panggang mungkin mengandung karsinogen yang disebabkan oleh proses pencoklatan.