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realisasi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "realisasi"
  • But then there was the realization and then... That.
    Tapi kemudian... setelah di realisasi... dengan ini.
  • Our self-realization seminars only require a $400 donation.
    Kami realisasi diri seminar hanya memerlukan sumbangan $ 400.
  • The realization sets in that most of these old acquaintances
    Realisasi menetapkan bahwa sebagian besar kenalan lama
  • Realized we had a few friends in common.
    Realisasi kami memiliki beberapa teman yang sama.
  • His fragile health prevented the project from being realised.
    Keadaan kesehatannya menghalangi realisasi proyek tersebut.
  • They're only realizations of the darkness within.
    Mereka hanya realisasi dari kegelapan di dalam.
  • "What is a greater celebration than realization of dreams."
    "Perayaan besar dari realisasi mimpi."
  • And I came to a series of realizations.
    Dan aku datang pada rangkaian realisasi.
  • Do you check the progress of orders realization?
    Anda memeriksa kemajuan realisasi perintah?
  • The cold realization that I'm still here slowly sets in.
    Realisasi dingin bahwa aku masih di sini settles perlahan-lahan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5