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realisme bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "realisme"
  • I think there's cynicism and then there's realism.
    Michael, kurasa ada sinisme, dan lalu ada realisme.
  • I mean, a couny at war doesn't want realism.
    Maksudku, negara sedang berperang tidak diinginkan realisme
  • You know, you really should have gone for American Realism.
    Begini..., Seharusnya kau mengajar Realisme Amerika.
  • Like Usmar Ismail, Djajakusuma was influenced by realism.
    Seperti halnya Usmar Ismail, Djajakusuma dipengaruhi oleh realisme.
  • This strand of theory is sometimes called "modern realism".
    Aliran teori ini kadang disebut "realisme modern".
  • No, I'm talking about the lack of realism.
    Tidak, saya sedang berbicara tentang kurangnya realisme.
  • Michael, I think there's cynicism, and then there's realism.
    Michael, kurasa ada sinisme, dan lalu ada realisme.
  • And he feels you can't portray that realism.
    Dan dia merasa kau tidak bisa menggambarkan realisme itu.
  • The novel portrays critical realism of the 19th century.
    Novel tersebut menggambarkan realisme kritikal dari abad ke-19.
  • During this time, he adopted ideas of mathematical realism.
    Pada masa ini, ia menganut ide realisme matematika.
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