Masuk Daftar

sauh bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sauh"
  • Now, where's the anchor to the other side?
    Di mana sauh ke alam sebelah sana?
  • Fold the sail and prepare to drop anchor.
    Gulung layar dan bersiap menjatuhkan sauh.
  • Too bad you won't be around to find it.
    Malangnya kau dah tiada semasa sauh itu di temui.
  • I just have to find The Anchor first and destroy it.
    Aku hanya perlu mencari sauh dan musnahkannya.
  • Why are they so interested in this anchor?
    Kenapa mereka berminat dengan sauh ini?
  • You know where the anchor is.
    Kau tahu di mana sauh itu.
  • The Travelers have been in possession of The Anchor for 2,000 years.
    Traveler yang menyimpan sauh itu selama 2,000 tahun.
  • Ok. Where is this stupid anchor thing?
    Di mana sauh bodoh ini?
  • Silas is looking for The Anchor.
    Silas sedang mencari sauh.
  • So Silas read your mind and figured out where The Anchor is?
    Silas dah baca fikiranmu dan tahu di mana sauh itu?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5